By Dominique Galbraith

Business Through Faith Blog  

Balance to Prosper
Dominique Galbraith Dominique Galbraith

Balance to Prosper

This morning, God convicted me of something that struck me deeply. In a dream, He revealed how I was managing the various lines of work He’s called me to, and the imbalance in how I was giving my attention. I was leaning heavily into one area—because it was growing and prospering quickly—while neglecting another, simply because I wasn’t seeing the immediate results I had hoped for.

The image He gave me was so clear: I was putting all my weight on one leg because it seemed stronger, but in doing so, I was overburdening that leg and leaving the other to weaken from disuse. Eventually, if that leg goes down, the whole body goes down with it. Both legs are needed for balance and strength, and both must be tended to if the body is to move forward in full health.

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Why Starting a Business is Urgent
Dominique Galbraith Dominique Galbraith

Why Starting a Business is Urgent

It’s amazing how we dedicate ourselves to our 9-to-5 jobs. We make sure not to be late, strive to meet deadlines, and do our best in hopes of getting that next promotion. But when it comes to our God-given dreams, we often don’t give them the same energy and focus.

"It can wait."  

"I'll get to it later."  

"God understands—I have bills to pay!"

Yes, God understands you have responsibilities, but do you understand that He wants more for you than just paying bills?

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My Ambitions and God’s Timing
Dominique Galbraith Dominique Galbraith

My Ambitions and God’s Timing

Interestingly enough, I had not been aware that selfish ambition is something I needed deliverance from. In fact, I didn’t see it as an issue at all. While I knew that selfish ambition is wrong, because of James 1 in the Bible, I was unaware that my pursuits, though good and of God, were being handled and executed from a place of selfish ambition, fear, and anxiety.

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Finding Balance: My Journey to Redefining Work and Family Life
Dominique Galbraith Dominique Galbraith

Finding Balance: My Journey to Redefining Work and Family Life

For the past few weeks leading up to that time, I was spending more time than I would’ve liked to, working on the computer and not as much time with the kids. She had gotten used to me speaking and living out the message of being present and spending time with your kids. But I found myself in this awkward and tormenting place lately of doing the things God called me to but feeling guilty for doing them at the expense of fewer days at the playground or activities with the kids. Her response to me eventually led me to ask myself this question; Did I, in my efforts to be a present mom, become extreme? Was I placing an expectation on myself and a standard that God ISN'T calling me to?

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Being The “Strong One” Is Killing Your Dream
Dominique Galbraith Dominique Galbraith

Being The “Strong One” Is Killing Your Dream

I've noticed a common reason keeping many from pursuing their dreams of starting a business: the syndrome of being superwoman. These women often become the family's go-to person to relieve mental, emotional, and financial burdens, leaving them too drained to invest in their own ambitions. The inconvenient truth is that many women choose what is good over what could make them great, forgetting that not all good things are necessarily God's things. But if you've made up your mind to pursue and manifest the vision for a business God has put in your heart, there are three key steps you need to take to prioritize and protect your assignment.

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