Balance to Prosper

This morning, God convicted me of something that struck me deeply. In a dream, He revealed how I was managing the various lines of work He’s called me to, and the imbalance in how I was giving my attention. I was leaning heavily into one area—because it was growing and prospering quickly—while neglecting another, simply because I wasn’t seeing the immediate results I had hoped for.

The image He gave me was so clear: I was putting all my weight on one leg because it seemed stronger, but in doing so, I was overburdening that leg and leaving the other to weaken from disuse. Eventually, if that leg goes down, the whole body goes down with it. Both legs are needed for balance and strength, and both must be tended to if the body is to move forward in full health.

For many, the leg that they put all of their strength and weight on is their 9-5 job. Many people have a tendency is to trust in a job that seems secure, familiar, and already prospering. We put our trust and reliance on the paycheck, overlooking or underestimating the potential of the business idea God has entrusted to us. We don’t always recognize that this idea might be the very path to financial freedom we’ve been seeking.

The truth is, there’s a limit to how much we can earn at a 9-to-5 job. But with a business, there are no limits to what God can do through it. 

Balance, in this context, isn’t about splitting your time equally across all areas. That’s neither practical nor necessary. Instead, God is calling us to give each area of our lives the time, energy, and resources required for it to prosper. The seed of a business idea will never reach its full potential unless it’s planted, nurtured, and consistently tended to. 

Make time to tend to the seed God has given you! Work on it faithfully, in the same way, a farmer consistently cares for his field, knowing that the way he tends to it directly impacts the harvest. Your faithfulness, consistency, and trust in God’s timing will determine whether you receive a worthwhile return on the seeds you’ve planted.

God is calling you to balance, not just between work and faith but between trust in His provision and faith in the potential He’s placed in your hands. Don’t rely so heavily on one “leg” that the other atrophies. Tend to all that He’s given you, and He will provide the increase.

The world taught us to earn money, but God’s way is for us to multiply money.

Register for the next FREE 9-5 To Wealth Webinar to learn a strategy to leverage your 9-to-5 income to launch and grow your first business.

My name is Dominique Galbraith. As a faith-based business consultant, I help aspiring entrepreneurs MULTIPLY MONEY through entrepreneurship and achieve GOOD Success. 

Remove the limitations from your income as you move from simply earning money to multiplying it through ownership!
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Dominique Galbraith

Dominique Galbraith is a wife, mother of 3, and a follower of Jesus Christ. She is a dynamic figure in the realms of speaking, authorship, entrepreneurship, and faith-based business consulting, is dedicated to helping individuals and families prosper, both spiritually and financially as well as actualizing their Christ-given purpose. Leveraging her presence on YouTube, various social media platforms, her published works, her bridal and couture gown brand, D. Auxilly, and the network (Uniiqe Life ) she founded with her husband, she diligently navigates multiple avenues to fulfill this overarching mission.


Why Starting a Business is Urgent